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  • HiYoga Majorstuen 1 Schultz' gate Oslo, Oslo, 0365 Norway (map)

This is a first taste from the upcoming Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training that is coming up at HiYoga. For more info click here.

Almost all of us are characterized by asymmetries as to how we engage our muscles. When these asymmetries are heightened, they lead to structural problems, like scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis and anything in-between (all result of compression). When our structure suffers over a long period of time, it often creates other type of problems, such as inflammation in various areas of the body (knee, shoulders, knees, spine), depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc. Our joints begin to suffer and our physical and emotional well-being is compromised.

This immersion will help you track your own degree of asymmetries (your blind spots)  in your structure and offer you tools on how to smoothen them. When you suffer from a pain local to a specific part of the body, you must look at how your entire structure is responding at the moment of pain or discomfort. That itself correlates to a specific neurological pathway in your brain; simply explained, your brain is programmed to move your body in very specific ways to cope with the stress of the moment. Over a long period of time and in order to save energy, your brain does these actions on autopilot, while you must carry on finishing that task you are doing even though you are exhausted and/or you hate it. This immersion will offer you tools on how to sharpen your awareness and become more adept at noticing your blind spots. You will be educated to rewire your brain, which is a life-long task, but quite honestly, you must start from somewhere! You will be informed about common misalignments in yoga poses and shown how to establish a safe and yet, challenging way to practice. You will learn how Forrest Yoga Basic Movements, play a key role in developing a practice which helps you grow physically and emotionally.

Believe it or not, just because you are showing up yoga doesn’t necessarily mean that you get the most out of it. Furthermore, most of the yoga classes are packed with many participants. As a result the teacher must adapt to the average level of the group, which often leaves out very beginners and/or very advanced students. On top of that, a specific way of doing a pose can benefit one student, but quite surprisingly harm another!

It is, therefore, in your interest to educate yourself so that you can become skillful in tailoring each pose based on your own structural needs. For instance, poses should be practiced differently by a person with scoliosis compared to a person with lordosis. Extrapolate this to all types of issues such as knee, shoulder, hip and neck injuries. You will be surprised by how much of a deeper understanding you will develop for your own practice. If you are a yoga teacher, you can use that wisdom to broaden the spectrum of the students you can help in a substantial way. This immersion is open to all level practitioners who simply wish to get more value out of their practice and the responsibility of healing in their own hands. My friends, you are spending your time to practice anyway; why not get the most out of your practice? People with injuries and pregnant women, I really encourage you to join this immersion as well. You are not obligated, but it would be very helpful if you send me an email in advance explaining me your situation. That way I can address your needs much more effectively.

I welcome any question. Email me at:


June 11th, Saturday
9-11:30 am: Morning Intensive Practice. Hip openers and Twists.

You will feel the harmony of good sequencing. You will receive educational cues as we go through the sequence. How and why the sequence is built in a way that it creates resonance in your body and helps it get more space. Almost all of us have an asymmetric body on lesser or higher degree. In this sequence, you will get a deeper understanding of your asymmetries and how to calibrate your practice to restore your structure to a more balanced state.

13:00-16:00 pm: Review of common poses and “famous” mistakes in sequencing.

Do’s and Do-Not’s. Learn how to track your body sensations off the mat and use your practice on the mat as your scientific laboratory to restore your structure to a more balanced state.

June 12th, Sunday
9-11:30 am: Morning Intensive Practice. Backbends.

You will feel the harmony of good sequencing. You will receive educational cues as we go through the sequence. How and why the sequence is built in a way that it creates resonance in your body and helps it get more space. It is extremely common that yoga practitioners feel low back pain after practicing backbends, especially when they push over their edge. Backbends are very healing for the spine, but can very quickly become damaging if practiced carelessly. The phrase “the dosage is what makes the poison or medicine”
describes that very accurately. This sequence will teach you how to feel your body more deeply and respect your own edge, but at the same time challenge it.

13:00-16:00 pm: Review of common poses and “famous” mistakes in sequencing.

Do’s and Do-Not’s. Learn how to track your body sensations off the mat and use your practice on the mat as your scientific laboratory to restore your structure to a more balanced state.

Date: June 11th-12th

PLACE: HiYoga Majorstuen


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